The next exhibition at Stade Hall opens this Friday and will be on for three weeks:
A South Coast Artists Exhibition at the new Stade Hall
June 11 - 26 Tues-Sun 10 - 4
This will be an exciting show featuring some of Soco's finest, including Mary Hooper, Louise Kenward, Harry Snook, Paul Bartholomew, Grace Lau, Charlotte Snook, Angie Braven and guest artist Tim Cross. Works will be across the range: painting, photography, prints, drawings and some 3-D.
To accompany the show there will be an illustrated talk by exhibitor and London Group member Eugene Palmer about the narrative themes in his work. This takes place at the Stade Hall on Friday June 17 at 7 pm.
For any further details please contact: Lesley Cornish 01424 713873