Our first exhibition 'Away' by Terence Kershaw is in situ at Stade Hall, and the PV will be this Friday (3rd June) at 6-8pm, with a performance by Yumino Seki in response to the piece.
'Away' has been specially commissioned and constructed for this opening exhibition at PROJECT.
Terence Kershaw is a young sculptor whose work explores the territory between man and machine. He creates mechanical forms that behave in an uncanny fashion, drawing parallels with the human condition. He graduated from Kingston University in 2007 with a first class degree for his practice. He is currently developing his own sculptural direction through both kinetic and static constructions, and working as assistant to the sculptor Sir Anthony Caro. Past prominent local work includes a bold sculpture in the gated arts space by St Leonards Warrior Square station in 2009, a large-scale commission on the promenade for Eastbourne Festival 2009, and a mechanical structure at House of Hastings on Queens Road in 2010.
Yumino Seki has developed a performance working with Kershaw's sculpture in the Stade Hall. She explores and reflects the inner landscape where the boundary between physicality and the mind is challenged. Most of her work is site specific. Space, site and environment are also key elements which put the body in context. Each space offers a unique exchange. Seki has worked with many renowned choreographers including Tadashi Endo, The Gary Rowe Dance Company and Angela Woodhouse. She is currently a member of the French based company, Ariadone.